Combined Sectors Live Portfolio
This portfolio brings together the best of all our other Sector Portfolios with the aim of delivering a super portfolio. This approach allows you select the healthiest and most robust stocks from each of of our other portfolios.
Portfolio Objective
The objective here is to combine the best performing stocks of all our other sector portfolios and bring them together to build the Combines Sector Portfolio.
The result is twenty winning stocks that have performed well over the course of our portfolio. These stocks represent top companies that have benefited from their market position, products, market developments and more. Their high quality management has guided them and positioned the company to take advantage of the market place.
Portfolio Start Date
We have chosen January 1st 2020 as the start date for all our portfolios.
Much has happened in the world since then, bringing no end of turmoil to the financial markets. This is perfect learning territory for students who want to see how portfolios cope. Since the start of 2020 we have had Coivid-19 pandemic, where we saw the markets nosedive and later recover. We are still living with the fall out from that where many people now work from home spawning new WFH businesses such as Zoom. Another impact of Covid is the breakdown of supply chains that are slowly recovering. Other macro events include the War in Ukraine and its impact on energy prices and agricultural commodity prices, sanctions against China, a slowdown in the production of semiconductors, the continued development of electric vehicles, climate change, inflation, rising interest rates and the emergence of AI.
While all these macro issues were happening the markets fell from all time highs. Investors have moved away from higher risk investments to low or moderate risk. Investors have also moved emphasis from growth stocks to value stocks and somewhat back to growth stocks. New issue bonds are sucking funds from the stock market into the Bond market as new issues of bonds offer greater returns in a higher interest rate environment, keeping stock prices subdued. The higher interest rate environment has impacted businesses with high debt levels who now have to pay significantly more to service these debts giving a big advantage to debt free companies stock prices.