We have created 32 Portfolios & Strategies to assist you in building your own portfolios. These are educational tools to demonstrate how to select stocks and construct portfolios. We have split our portfolios into groups to demonstrate how groupings such as sectors or strategies can succeed in some market conditions and fail in others. This should help identify what sectors or strategies are hot and not.
With the exception of Billionaire Portfolios we have filtered our stock selection to 20 stocks per portfolio based on current market conditions and back tested this to a start point of 01/01/2020. We have chosen this date as it includes the market sell off relating to Covid-19 so covers a range of market conditions over the timeframe. We used a notional $100,000 of capital to purchase stocks and determine a weighting for each stock within the portfolio. The portfolios are prices in US$ as this makes it easier to source live prices.
Sector Portfolios Live Investing
Technology companies are continually breaking barriers, disrupting traditional industries, and creating new paradigms.
The energy giants are orientating themselves towards clean energy which will present a number of investing opportunities
Since Covid healthcare companies are now firmly in the spotlight for basic healthcare but also preventative drug development.
New farming techniques, technology, healthy eating options, and much more. It all adds up to a potentially lucrative portfolio.
We have taken the top 20 stocks from across all our sector portfolios and combined them to create the Combined Portfolio.
Basic materials are the raw materials of so much that supports business and our economy delivering a very dynamic portfolio
Real estate has established itself as a stalwart in the stock market due to its inherent stability, continuous demand, and attractive yields.
This sector has had its fair share of ups and downs in the last twenty years but is resilient and extremely adaptable to economic conditions.
Strategies Live Investing
These companies are money making machines. They operate in a fully saturated market where growth opportunities are thin on the ground.
Social media driven stock prices rather than fundamental economic indicators of the companies they represent.
The extent of their growth is unknown so stock prices keep rising until they hit some market share resistance.
This dual-pronged approach is capable of identifying value stocks with favorable momentum and still have a way to go.
This strategy comes into play when the 50 day moving average crosses above the 200-day moving average signaling an upward trend.
The strategy is based on the idea that a stock’s price reaching new highs is indicative of strong momentum and investor sentiment.
Focusing just on large (mega) stocks as these represent many of the quality investing criteria identified by Philip Fisher
We combine 20 of the worlds major indices in a single portfolio. Holdings are weighted based on the GDP of the respective countries.
Insights Portfolio
Here are eight portfolios drawn from different parts of the stock Market. The individual stocks may have different characteristics but all of the stocks in each portfolio meet the same criteria.
Portfolio of
Stocks With
10%+ Upside
Stocks with a strong upside are very useful entry points for a new portfolio holding. A safe way to build a larger position.
Portfolio of
Stocks in Golden
Cross Zone
Golden Cross is an upward price momentum indicator used by many auto trading systems and signals an upward trend.
Portfolio of
Markets Stocks
Emerging Markets are like the Growth Stocks of Economies. We have selected 20 worth adding to your portfolio.
Portfolio of
High Dividend
Yielding Stocks
A portfolio of high yielding dividend stocks that also have upward price momentum to reduce the risk of capital loss.
Portfolio of
Exchange Traded
Funds (ETFs)
ETFs are a great way to invest in a basket of stocks with a collective focus. From lithium to luxury goods there are loads to chose from.
Portfolio of
Largest Crypto
If your’e looking for a rollercoaster ride and can afford to lose a substantial amount of money then maybe this is for you.
Portfolio of
Stocks Most
This portfolio is a selection of the most recommended stocks by the community of stock analysts whose job it is to find winners.
Portfolio of
Stocks with Largest
Order Flow
Here we follow the money. Tracking Volume Traded and Stock Price to find the stocks where most money is flowing into.
Investors Billionaire
These are the best investing brains on Wall Street. You can follow their investments or pick and mix the best from all of them to create your own portfolio.
Berkshire Hathaway Inc
- Portfolio Value: USD$266Bn
- Reporting Period: Q3 2024
- Number of Stocks: 40
Invest like the oracle himself! View the stocks that Warren Buffett holds in the Berkshire Hathaway portfolio.
Eagle Capital Management
- Portfolio Value: USD$62Bn
- Reporting Period: Q4 2024
- Number of Stocks: 23
Long term investor, seeking to invest in fair valued stocks with limited market recognition and potential for growth
Dodge & Cox Stock Fund
- Portfolio Value: USD$112Bn
- Reporting Period: Q3 2024
- Number of Stocks: 80
Pioneers in value investing and known for their disciplined, research-driven approach to stock selection.
Bill & Melinda Gates
- Portfolio Value: USD$45Bn
- Reporting Period: Q3 2024
- Number of Stocks: 24
Bill and Melinda are the trustees for the Foundation Trust, which is managed by a team of outside investment managers.
Appaloosa Management
- Portfolio Value: USD$9Bn
- Reporting Period: Q3 2024
- Number of Stocks: 32
Founded in 1993 by David Tepper specialising in distressed debt through equity and fixed income.
Parnassus Investments
- Portfolio Value: USD$46Bn
- Reporting Period: Q3 2024
- Number of Stocks: 123
Parnassus invests in quality businesses at attractive prices to drive outperformance over the long term.
Polen Capital Management
- Portfolio Value: USD$25Bn
- Reporting Period: Q3 2024
- Number of Stocks: 104
Founded in 1979 Polen Capital follows the Focus Growth Strategy, which invests in growth equities based in the U.S
Soros Fund Management
- Portfolio Value: USD$98Bn
- Reporting Period: Q3 2024
- Number of Stocks: 178
George Soros, “The Man Who Broke the Bank of England” is an investor, philanthropist and liberal political activist.