Portfolio management in investing is primarily focused on balancing risk and reward through the allocation of assets based on individual goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon. Its purpose is to optimize the investment strategy to achieve the highest possible returns within a given risk level. This involves the selection of diverse investment assets like stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and other investment vehicles, and their periodic review and realignment to meet the investor’s financial goals. The process also includes strategies such as diversification, asset allocation, and rebalancing to ensure a well-balanced portfolio that can withstand market fluctuations and provide a steady return on investment.
This course provides a comprehensive exploration of portfolio management, starting with investment basics and diving into risk, return, and diversification. You’ll understand how to align investments with an investor’s risk profile and goals, explore different asset classes and industry sectors, and learn about investment vehicles like stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs, and alternative investments. The course also covers portfolio construction, rebalancing, tax considerations, performance evaluation, behavioral finance, and the use of modern investment tools and technology.
- This course will benefit you by giving you a comprehensive understanding of portfolio management. You’ll learn how to design, manage, and review an investment portfolio effectively. This knowledge will help you make informed investment decisions, manage risk effectively, diversify your investments, and ultimately achieve your financial goals. It will also make you a savvy investor, capable of navigating various market conditions and investment products.
- 1 Section
- 16 Lessons
- 1 Hour
- Portfolio Management16
- 1.1Investment Basics10 Minutes
- 1.2Understanding Risk and Return10 Minutes
- 1.3Investor Profile and Risk Tolerance10 Minutes
- 1.4Introduction to Diversification10 Minutes
- 1.5Asset Allocation10 Minutes
- 1.6Asset Classes & Industry Sectors10 Minutes
- 1.7Dynamics of Stocks and Bonds10 Minutes
- 1.8Mutual Funds and ETFs10 Minutes
- 1.9Alternative Investments10 Minutes
- 1.10Portfolio Construction10 Minutes
- 1.11Portfolio Rebalancing10 Minutes
- 1.12Tax Considerations10 Minutes
- 1.13Performance Evaluation10 Minutes
- 1.14Behavioral Finance10 Minutes
- 1.15Investment Tools and Technology10 Minutes
- 1.16Conclusion & Feedback
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