Free Seminar

Free Seminar
by Creativ3

Free Trading & Investing Seminar

Understanding the opportunities and risks associated with trading and investing is a fundamental need for those considering entry to the market. It is true Ireland has recovered from the recession of more than  a decade ago. However, recessions come in cycles and in order to protect your finances next time round, you must first understand the markets and volatility.

To maintain wealth and financial freedom in these times, you must be made aware of the opportunities but also the pitfalls which lie ahead. Our free trading seminar delivers a high quality, interactive talk on how to make your finances grow with the right tools.

An Introduction To The Markets

This is an opportunity to find out what trading the markets and investing in the markets is all about. What skills you need to develop, how realistic your goals are and how long term strategies work. How much of my time will I need to devote to trading, to achieve success?

We also cover the basic principles to investing successfully for those with longer term objectives and we show you how to manage your own stock portfolio.

This is also an opportunity for you to engage with your future educators so do not hesitate in asking us any questions you may have.

    1.5 CPD hours awarded upon attendance

    Do you need more information? If so, we'd be happy to help. Please call Colin on 01 9011630